What Luxury Fashion Brands Have Their Own Manufacturing

Past Annamma Joy

Low-priced, quickly produced, and designed for obsolescence, fast mode encourages consumer disengagement from issues of sustainability and fair labour conditions. This article explores bug such as consumption reduction, recycling and reuse and discusses the feasibility of luxury brands incorporating sustainability into their make narratives.

Artful appeal and symbolism are central to the fashion world: individuals use both to construct their sense of self. Because identity in a postmodern guild is a piece of work in constant progress, adopting new fashions can help define an ever-evolving cocky-prototype, thereby providing a sense of personal direction for the future.1 Fast manner allows for such on-going personal transformation at a mass-market level, due to its affordability. The phenomenon of fast fashion (so-called because such fashion is produced chop-chop in response to trends, and is deliberately designed for a curt shelf life), is a fairly recent evolution in the way world, fabricated possible by globalisation, and eagerly embraced by consumers. Traditionally, fresh looks from the catwalks in the latest colours are sold at high prices, but inside weeks such designs might already exist passé and tagged for price reductions. The Spanish brand Zara, an exemplar of fast fashion retailing and, not coincidentally, ane of the fastest growing companies in the earth, pioneered a different business model, predicated on the idea that store purchases are the best indicators of what consumers want, coupled with localised sourcing for more than half of its products.two

Zara's entreatment

Though sourcing from Spain and Portugal is more expensive, the supply concatenation is shorter, and the company can react more than apace—typically in a matter of weeks–to new seasonal trends. As a result, Zara does non have unwanted inventory, and rarely lowers prices. The genius of this model is that it picks upwards on every trend, only is never associated with any i style: the chain offers something for everyone, and the enormous selection, with literally thousands of options, varies equally frequently equally every week. Unlike other style brands, Zara does no advertising whatsoever, choosing to rely instead on expansion, with chichi locations in more 73 countries, and aesthetically appealing shop window displays. Chinese consumers flock to Zara, although they prefer lighter colours than their European counterparts. Unsurprisingly, market growth in China of fast style companies like Zara is expected to accelerate. According to Interbrand's yearly report of the best global brands, Zara was ranked at 64 in 2007, moved to 62 in 2008, to 50 in 2009, 48 in 2010, 44 in 2011, and 37 in 2012. With its brand equity significantly higher today than six years ago, the company, originally started in 1975, continues its rapid growth.3 Zara'due south Achilles' heel, equally is true of many fast fashion brands, is its lack of sustainability: Interbrand's ranking of the elevation 50 green global brands in 2012 did not feature either Inditex  (Zara's parent company) or Zara itself; simply one fast mode company, H&M, was listed at 46. In common with all other fast manner companies, apparel from Zara are designed for obsolescence; launder the apparel more than ten times, and they starting time to disintegrate.

Fashion's blind spot

Inquiry we conducted involving immature fast fashion devotees in Hong Kong and Canada revealed that despite the importance young consumers place on sustainability, they have a bullheaded spot when it comes to fashion.iv They may care deeply nearly eating organic foods, simply fast style consumption is exempt from such moral decisions. This approach can in role be explained by the fact that youthful consumers may fail to fully grasp issues of sustainability, in particular the disastrous future environmental risks associated with unsustainable production. Consumers thus make of sustainability what they will, and allow marketers to define sustainability as they wish. Both the fast fashion consumer and the fast mode retailer have greatly benefited from this arrangement: for the former, an endless stream of affordable clothing defining and reflecting their ever-changing identities, and for the latter, very high profit margins. The familiar sustainability mantra is reduce, reuse, and recycle. In our study of fast way in Hong Kong and Canada, recycling as an activity was followed, with about participants faithfully separating their trash for pickup. But they engaged in very little reusing, and did hardly any reduction in consumption, although a few participants did feel guilty for throwing out apparel purchased just weeks earlier. Continuous consumption is whetted and abetted by fast manner companies such every bit Topshop, Zara, and H&Yard. How can consumers, especially young consumers, resist the temptation of an e'er-changing array of inexpensive, of-the-moment fashions? Fifty-fifty the most socially concerned young adults that nosotros interviewed were torn between their desires for trendy outfits and their behavior about saving the planet with less consumption. Most participants in our written report experienced a very significant disconnect between the value they placed on sustainability and their actions when it came to vesture.

Despite the importance immature consumers place on sustainability, they accept a bullheaded spot when information technology comes to fashion.

The flip side of fast mode

Sustainability equally a concept is relatively new in the fashion industry.v There is still a misperception among consumers of how sustainable vesture is manufactured, and what the end result actually looks similar; some participants equated sustainable clothing with shapeless, mud-coloured garments completely lacking in fashionable appeal. In recent years, notwithstanding, such perceptions have incrementally changed, as brands accept recognised the power of consumers to really showtime caring well-nigh the procedure of clothing manufacture, and to find a sense of moral affirmation in purchasing and wearing sustainable clothing, whether divers as organic, coloured with natural dyes, or made of united nations-dyed fabrics or fibres.

Burgh-Woodman and Kinghalf-dozen, argue that sustainability is secondary to economic and political considerations; fifty-fifty the newness of sustainability discourse is couched in terms of preserving the status quo Fast mode companies' invulnerability to moral considerations may exist changing. Zara, in mutual with many fast fashion companies, has manufacturing operations in Asia, Africa, and Bangladesh, all known for their often deplorable working conditions; Bangladesh has the distinction of offering labourers the lowest minimum wage in the world. The Apr 24th 2013 collapse of a commercial edifice in Bangladesh housing multiple clothing factories resulted in the deaths of more than 1,115 workers as of this writing, an unspeakable tragedy with the potential to galvanise public stance against unsafe labour conditions.7 Media outlets take publicised which companies immediately sought remedies to create better working conditions, and which dragged their anxiety, or tried to distance themselves from the tragedy; consumer brand loyalty can be effected past such news.8

Bringing a constant stream of trendy clothes at very depression prices to the market feeds consumer desires for the excitement of new acquisitions. Merely the flip side is that, as referenced higher up, fast-fashion clothes fall autonomously quickly, creating the problem of how to dispose of them. Asian countries in particular do non like to reuse or recycle like Europeans. In cities like Hong Kong that have a large number of domestic service workers, consumers will pass on their apparel, particularly if those clothes are premium or even luxury brands, such every bit Louis Vuitton or Prada. In the interviews that we conducted, many participants noted that even domestic workers did non desire fast fashion hand-me-downs; domestic workers could afford to buy such fashions themselves, and the clothes just do not agree up long enough to be worth passing on. While compliance rates vary dramatically from city to city, Americans and Canadians are overall not much ameliorate at reusing and recycling.

Growing green sensation

To its credit, H&M issued a sustainability written report in 2012.9
The highlights are:

• H&M is one of the outset and largest fashion companies in the globe to brand its supplier factory list public.
H&M is the showtime manner retailer in the world to launch a global organization to collect used clothing and donate them.
H&M is the number ane user of organic cotton in the world.
H&M raised the support for college wages and yearly wage reviews for garment workers during a personal meeting between the Prime Government minister of People's republic of bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, and the CEO of H&Thou, Karl-Johan Persson.
The launch of a cutting-edge global water stewardship with WWF, which is a game changer in the fashion industry, taking the whole supply chain into account.

H&Thousand is the get-go fashion retailer in the globe to launch a global system to collect used clothing and donate them.

While the higher up sounds very impressive, certain details are missing. Fifty-fifty though H&M has increased the corporeality of organic cotton used in making wear, that amount merely equals 8% of the company'due south total cotton wool use. Also, while H&Chiliad recycles wear (their own brand also as others), they evidence no sign of reducing their manufacturing of fast fashion clothes. They accept, withal, reduced the amount of water used in their operations, and have made labour conditions better for their workers.10

Inditex has been accused outright of maintaining degrading conditions for their workers,eleven despite the fact that the co-founder of Zara, Amancio Ortega, has been named by Forbes as the tertiary richest person in the earth, with a personal fortune of $57 billion. While no longer the chairman of Inditex, Ortega controls 60% of the company's shares, which were up more than 50% over 2012.12

The four pillars Inditex identifies as central to its business concern model are dazzler, clarity, functionality, and sustainability, yet Greenpeace's Toxic Threads Report, November 2012, lists Inditex as among the worst offenders. Inditex has agreed, still, to zero discharges of all hazardous chemicals from the entire manufacturing life cycle and all production procedures past January i, 2020. They at present have to live upward to this delivery and are in the procedure of making their restricted substance list and the audit process of their entire supply chain publicly available. Greenpeace members were pleased at this development, because Zara, as 1 of the world'southward largest fashion retailers, is setting an example for other retailers.13

Because of its inherent poor quality and rapidly out-dated styles, fast manner items are not particularly suited to recycling.

Remember twice and reuse

Because of its inherent poor quality and apace out-dated styles, fast manner items are not peculiarly suited to recycling. Some items are re-made into usable goods, such as cushion covers or scarfs. In Sweden recycled apparel are used for insulation to reduce racket or as padding in furniture, or as sources of fabric to use every bit raw material for making new clothes. But when information technology comes to fast manner, silk purses (new fibres) cannot exist fabricated from sow'due south ears, as the phrase goes. Silk from recycled saris, for example, is sold as a knitting textile; fast mode fabrics are typically so flimsy that fiddling tin be done with them once their sell-past date is past.

Since a majority of consumers buy fast fashion, we can assume that reuse is a problem too, given that, much equally they tin't exist recycled, fast fashion likewise tin can't be reused. And then what can be washed? This is a trouble presented to most developed countries: consumers are addicted to fast mode, but do non have an easy method for altruistic used clothes other than to charity shops. Sweden, as referenced above, Finland, and Kingdom of norway are perhaps the most avant-garde in terms of article of clothing reuse. Consumers are happy to buy vintage wearing apparel in 2nd hand stores and the government, voluntary organisations, and even companies like H&M in Sweden are enlightened of the problems fast fashion creates and endeavour to make information technology easy for people to recycle old clothes before they buy something new. With the economic downturn in the U.S., shopping at local austerity stores and big charities such equally Goodwill and St. Vincent de Paul (recently rebranded equally St. Vinnie'southward to better appeal to young consumers) has become increasingly pop, offering fast fashion at an even lower cost than retail, coupled with the virtue of supporting a charitable organisation.

Just how most just reducing one's consumption? Consumers' appetite for fashion is insatiable: what they run into on the catwalk they want instantly. Companies like Topshop, Zara, and H&M apace oblige. A reduction of fashion consumption necessitates attitude and behavioural changes, including an interest in high-quality items—luxury style products–that will last for decades, without requiring the massive use of environmental resources.

The very term "luxury" may be a trouble considering for many it connotes loftier prices and unsustainable practices, given the publicity centred on blood diamonds in item and conflict minerals in general. Are luxury brands perceived equally sustainable brands? In Interbrand'southward survey of the top 50 greenish global brands, perception is measured in terms of whether consumers take the brownie of the brand's environmental claims, the relevance of the brand's environmental claims, (comparison the perceived importance of green activities of the category with the brand's current green perception), how the company is differentiated from the contest in the brand's green efforts, the consistency of the brand'southward various dark-green communications across all affect points, the consumer awareness of the brand'south dark-green activities and its green reputation in the market and the level of understanding of the make'south green activities equally a whole. Simply do consumers know that these standards are oftentimes upheld in the practices of sourcing, manufacturing, and selling luxury brands? The answer is oftentimes "no".  No luxury brand made it to Interbrand' Best Global Light-green Brands 2012 list.14 Since the catwalks provide the trends for the fall/winter and jump/summer seasons, resort collections and the like, fast manner companies are merely following the trends provided by luxury way, albeit typically with lower quality (which all besides often translates to exploitative labour and environmental practices).

Consumers are addicted to fast fashion, merely practice not accept an easy method for donating used clothes other than to charity shops.

Sustainable Luxury

Should luxury brands that promote sustainability through their accent on quality be actively marketing their brand as sustainable? How well exercise luxury brands know their customers' level of interest in sustainable products? Many luxury brands are redesigning their packaging, using eco-friendly raw materials, pursuing sustainable practices such as lower water and energy consumption, and organising and supporting diverse social and ecology initiatives. Many companies are besides silent about their ecology activities: Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy, a corporation comprising over sixty luxury brands, has had an environmental charter since 2001, and has been auditing its carbon footprint since 2004. Tiffany & Co. produced a 2011 Corporate Responsibleness Report, which touted the company having joined the U.Northward. Global Compact in support of human and labour rights, the environment, and anti-corruption practices, and besides stated their commitment to responsible mining.15

Sustainable development and luxury converge at a deeper level, argues Kapferer, as both focus on rarity and beauty.xvi Luxury brands, unlike premium or mass brands, sell products that are rare, and are thus resource-dependent, which increases their need for sustainability. With its emphasis on artisanal craftsmanship, luxury is inherently distinct from the mass-market throwaway civilization. In some instances, far from exploiting unskilled labour, luxury corporations promote specialised skills and railroad train employees, thus ensuring that such skills are enhanced and sustained. Luxury brands are less concerned with cost reduction (as fast manner is) and more with creating value.
Luxury brands tin can reasonably position themselves as light-green brands, with sustainability as a bespeak of differentiation from their contest. Luxury tin can atomic number 82 the way by redefining the notion of quality and the luxury dream that takes into business relationship environmental concerns. A good example is the company Eden Diodati.17 This company manufactures a sizeable portion of its garments through a non-profit cooperative in Italy staffed by volunteers and employing individuals with disabilities, who are given the hazard to larn skills and rebuild their lives through their piece of work with Eden Diodati. This company has been recognised past the Ethical Fashion Forum, a group that promotes sustainable way and, through its Fellowship 500, unites fashion innovators effectually the globe in a network supporting sustainability "from field to final product" every bit their literature states.eighteen

College quality, lower quantity

Middle-class consumers may aspire to the high quality and rarity associated with luxury brands, but, in all likelihood, will not be able to afford them. To fill the gap, fast fashion companies may demand to re-invent themselves as "quality manner companies" that cater to those eager for sustainable clothing and willing to pay a bit extra. In our report in Hong Kong and Canada, it was clear that consumers were sympathetic to sustainable practices simply were unwilling to compromise on price. When they take access to clothing that allows them to feel stylish for a low price, they are unwilling to modify their habits. They consume with their hearts and not their minds.

Given the need to encourage recycling and reuse, a coalition of consumers, researchers, charity organisations, environmentally conscious groups, second paw stores, fashion companies, and government bodies at municipal and regional levels could organise mass donations, either to be resold at non-profit thrift stores or passed on to those in demand in developing countries. Companies may have the desire to help in the recycling process, fifty-fifty though they may be unwilling to reduce their manufacturing footprint or transform their industry. Designers may exist recruited to create new goods from old clothing, merely, as noted higher up, the fibres in fast way are non re-usable. Despite such limitations, collaboration betwixt all these parties is crucial to seek solutions.

'Slow mode' (wearable produced under safe labour conditions and from sustainable materials) may become what consumers want, to satisfy their ethical and aesthetic desires.

Enlightening consumers about the entire life cycle of an article of clothing, and the man and ecology costs inherent in each step, forth with options for improving labour weather and reducing the environmental impact, are vital in changing consumer patterns to benefit the whole rather than the ane. Much equally the concept of 'tedious food' (organic and locally grown) has taken concur, so 'slow style' (clothing manufactured under condom labour weather, produced from sustainable materials) may become what consumers want, to satisfy both their ethical and aesthetic desires. A new mantra, in addition to reduce, reuse, recycle, is called for: higher quality, lower quantity.

Near the Writer

Dr. Annamma Joy is a Professor of Marketing at the Kinesthesia of Management at The University of British Columbia, Okanagan. Her principal inquiry interests are aesthetics and consumption, particularly in the context of art, mode, and wine. In line with those interests, she has extensively researched the consumption of luxury brands in Hong Kong and China.Professor Joy has published articles on luxury style and fast style and sustainability, among other areas of scholarly enquiry. She tin can be reached at [email protected]


1. Venkatesh, A ., Annamma Joy,  John F. Sherry, Jr. , and J . Deschenes (2010),  "The Aesthetics of Luxury Fashion, Body and Identity germination," Journal of Consumer Psychology, vol. twenty. no. iv (October): 459-470.

2. http://www.tx.ncsu.edu/jtatm/volume5issue1/Zara_fashion.htm

iii. http://www.interbrand.com/en/all-time-global-brands/2012/Best-Global-Brands-2012-Brand-View.aspx

4. Joy, Annamma, John F. Sherry Jr., A. Venkatesh, Jeff Wang, and Ricky Chan (2012), "Fast Fashion, Sustainability, and the Ethical Appeal of Luxury Brands," Fashion Theory, vol.xvi. no. iii: 273-296

5. Ekstrom, Karen and Kay Glans (2011), Across the Consumption Bubble, Routledge: U.Yard.

6. Burgh-Woodman, H. and Dylan Rex (2012), "Sustainability and the human/nature connection: a disquisitional soapbox assay of beingness "symbolically" sustainable" Consumption, Markets and Culture, (online: one-24).

seven. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/11/business concern/global/clothing-retailers-pressed-on-bangladesh-factory-rubber.html?pagewanted=one&hp

8. "Some Retailers Say More than About Their Clothing's Origins," The New York Times, May 8, 2013). http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/09/business organization/global/off-white-trade-movement-extends-to-clothing.html?hp&_r=0

9. http://about.hm.com/AboutSection/en/news/newsroom/news.html/content/hm/NewsroomSection/en/NewsRoom/NewsroomDetails/hm-releases-the-sustainability-study-2012.html

10. http://world wide web.forbes.com/sites/lydiadishman/2013/04/09/inside-hms-quest-for-sustainability-in-fast-fashion/

11. http://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Employee-Review-Zara-RVW2165559.htm

12. http://www.forbes.com/sites/luisakroll/2013/03/04/within-the -2013-billionaires-list-facts-and-figures/

13. http://world wide web.greenbiz.com/blog/2012/xi/xxx/zara-commits-detox -after-greenpeace-dressing-down

xiv. http://world wide web.interbrand.com/en/best-global-brands/All-time-Global-Green-Brands/2012-Report.aspx

15. http://www.tiffany.com/csr/executivesummary.aspxhttp://world wide web.tiffany.com/csr/executivesummary.aspx

16. Kapferer Jean Noel (2013), "All That Glitters is not Light-green: The Challenge of Sustainable Luxury" http://www.europeanbusinessreview.com  (2869-2889).
17. http://www.edendiodati.com/shop/accessories.html

18. http://source.ethicalfashionforum.com/article/about-the-fellowship-500http://source.ethicalfashionforum.com/art

The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of The Globe Financial Review.

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